Join a Garden Club


A place for everyone

Gone are the days of yesteryear, of ladies dressed up in hats and white gloves drinking tea. Today’s members love flowers and like sharing their love of flowers with friends. They are stewards of the environment, making choices in their everyday lives to conserve water, avoid or minimize pesticide use, and to make a positive impact on our environment through plantings at their homes, balconies, or public places. Our members are from all walks of life

-locals and northern transplants
-men and women
-young and young at heart
-retired and currently employed
– “diggers and designers”

.…. all share a love of plants and flowers and a willingness to learn and impart their knowledge to others


A lifetime of educational opportunities

….. From fantastic speakers at the local club level to educational exhibits at District meetings to interesting workshops at State Convention

….. From entering a piece of horticulture at a Flower Show to clerking at the fair to joining the local horticulture study group to taking the Floral Design Study Series to getting certified as Flower Show Judge

….. From volunteering with your club to getting involved in PFGC fundraisers and special events to receiving a State or National Award

Each Circle/Club has 8 programs a year
District Meeting – 2 programs a year
Membership Coffee -1 program
Flowers Show Schools
Floral Design Study Series
Fun With Flowers
Fair Flower Shows
Tour of Tables
Conventions and Workshops

Between all our Circles, Affiliated Clubs, Educational Events, and Schools, there are over 150 opportunities for educational programs!


 What Does it Cost?

Anywhere from $30-$50 a year

Dues includes a subscription to the Florida Gardener magazine published four times a year by FFGC.

Dues includes a subscription to Pensacola Federation of Garden Clubs’ monthly newsletter The Camellia.

Dues include the Annual PFGC Yearbook – A manual of all things Garden Club.

 … Member Only Coupon Book