The Garden Club

On November 26, 1931, the first garden club in Pensacola was organized by Mrs. W.W. Day. The organization was the result of interest spurred by two Fall Flower Shows, which had been held in the Saenger Theater lobby in 1930 and 1931. Miss Nell Burrow served as the first President of the group of twenty-two ladies. At the recommendation of State Garden Club Officers, we became incorporated in 1953.

The first Camellia bulletin was printed in 1949-50. It proved an immediate success and won State awards. By 1955 PFGC had 36 clubs.
Groundbreaking for the Garden Center was March 29, 1962. Construction was completed in August and dedicated September 23rd. A Family Tree Plaque was acquired to honor Charter Members. A plaque honoring Past Presidents was established the same year.

Sometime in the late 70’s, our ladies started returning to the work force and we began to lose a little steam. This was the largest contributing factor in our slow down. In 1972 the addition to the Garden Center was completed. This is what we now call the Apartment and the Café’. Throughout the 70’s club members were very active and retired the Garden Center mortgage on the addition. Throughout the 80’s the club sponsored traveling trophies for school participation in Keep America Beautiful Week, which we continue to award. The “Gardener of the Year” Award was instituted for outstanding service to one’s club and the Federation. Flower Shows and Floral Design Study Courses continued to be popular, and by the 90’s the Federation was sponsoring Floral Show Judges School. The Federation’s flower shows rank highest in the state and are very popular with members and judges.

In 2000 the very popular Secret Gardens of the Emerald Coast presented 12 gardens to the public. This remains a very important fundraiser and educational activity for our outreach to the public. Another public outreach program is the Garden Center Educational Series, which was first presented in 1999.

After 88 years we are 9 circles strong with approximately 250 members. At our peak in the 70’s we were over 750 members.

We are seeking to add new members and clubs who can share in our love of gardening. We can provide the guidance to start your own club with educational programs to inspire your members.

The Pensacola Federation of Garden Clubs (PFGC) is a member of District I, The Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc., Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc., and National Garden Clubs, Inc.