Presidents Council

The Presidents Council is a forum for Federation officers and committee chairmen to communicate with circle presidents. Chaired by the 1st Vice President. Circle Presidents exchange program ideas and give civic project updates. Occasionally a speaker is brought in to educate presidents about volunteer opportunities within the community or a give presentation about a subject that can be used for circle programs.

The following are our current Circle Presidents:

BUD 'N BLOOMAnn Luther
DAYLILYEtta McDonald
DOGWOODMary Ann Whitlock
LAZY DAISYLinda Pallin and Norma Crooke
MAGNOLIAJill Cleaver
OLEANDERMartha Krehely
PICK 'N' POKEMarilyn Powitzky
PINEGLADESNancy Huhn and Suzanne Wagg
SASSAFRASRenee Miller and Sharon Miller
SWEET BAYRegina Swanson